The Voidcast Dais (Extreme)

The Voidcast Dais (Extreme)

Level 90, ilvl 630


The Voidcast Dais

I Wandered Sharlayan as a Minstrel (Side)

In a world bereft of Light and death's release, where to live is to devour or be devoured, Golbez had concocted his crusade. Though he had minions to carry out his will, he ultimately trusted none but himself and abided in solitude for thousands of years. What was it that sustained him through such a purgatory as he sought to enact his dark designs? It is this question which lingers on the wandering minstrel's mind, inspiring him with a new verse. As you listen to his solemn dirge of the black-clad villain's unforgivable deeds, your thoughts race back to that terrible clash of wills upon the moon of the Thirteenth, where Azdaja's fate hung in the balance...  


Knight in Black: Golbez
